These are the “48 Law of Strength Through Spirituality.” There are those of us who want to be successful in life, but don’t want to do so at the expense of our morals and values. While others seek power through intimidation, fear, scapegoats and guilt, we choose to pursue success through the strength of our efforts, the quality of our work, compassion for our staff, teammates, and management, and the support of our families. For you the following has been written. These are your laws, which are moral, ethical, and spiritual.
Law 1: Always be honest with yourself and others
In being law honest with yourself, you know when you are doing your best and the areas you need to immediately improve. In being honest with others, and knowing when to best share that honesty, you develop a reputation in your company and industry as someone that deals in reality, and as someone that generates real results.
Law 2: Assume responsibility for every aspect of your life
If you take responsibility for it, you have the power to change it. You cannot change that which you do not own.
Law 3: Bring simplicity, patience and compassion to all that you do
These 3 law keys are the simplest ways to bring a sense of peace, assertiveness, control and flow to every area of your life every single day.
Law 4: Bullet Proof Your Ego
When reaching for power, you will need tough skin. You will be a target for many who want to hurt your image to improve theirs. Also, when you have a bullet proof ego, you no longer have the need to prove yourself to others. You do what you do because you choose to do it.
Law 5: Let go of your E.G.O.
After you bullet proof it, it’s time to evolve and let it go. Ego is an acronym, meaning, “Edging God Out”. Invest you thoughts into yourself as a soul instead of an ego that requires constant validation through titles, material possessions and money. You’ll never be happy satisfying the ego. You will only find happiness when you recognize who you are as spiritual energy.
Law 6: Connect with Everyone
Spiritual people know that spiritual energy is everywhere, including within each and every one of us. Connect with the spiritual part of everyone and respect them at that level. You are them and they are you.
Law 7: Control what is under your control
Most people spend their time, attention and focus on that which they do not control. Make sure your house is in order before peeking into your neighbor’s yard!
Law 8: Create frames of reference rooted in abundance, opportunity, and positive intension
Everyday, we are surrounded by media, people and circumstances designed to keep us thinking about scarcity, victimization, and revenge. You can pull people into a more receptive frame through influence, however. In doings so, you create building partners that are invested in your success together.
Law 9: All emotions are based in love or fear
All law thoughts are manifested in our physical bodies. Thought creates emotion. Thoughts based in fear tear down the body, mutate our cells, and lead us down a path of disease (dis-ease). Thoughts based in love build up the body, make us look and feel younger, and provide us clear vision for more of the same in the future. Which do you choose most of the time?
Law 10: Read “Evolve!: Live Spiritually Everyday,
Everywhere, and in Every Way” by James LeGrand ( best selling author)
Know the playbook of spiritually based living to achieve prosperity, true happiness and peace
Law 11: Read the “48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene (best selling author)
Know the playbook of fear, intimidation, deception and guilt that is being used against you.
Law 12: Learn how to use brain
The 3 pounds of sponge like material between your ears is the greatest computer on earth, and it comes without an instruction manual. You have to learn how to program it in order to use it effectively. Learn about visualization, image streaming, mediation, photo reading, memory systems, systems of philosophy, the power of affirmations, and goal setting.
Law 13: Always have F.A.I.T.H.
Faith is an acronym, meaning “Facts Accepted In The Heart”. What are those facts? You are a spiritual being. You are loved unconditionally. There is nothing you can’t do. You are an individual expression of something greater than you can imagine, and thus you are greater than you can imagine yourself.
Law 14: Stop investing energy in F.E.A.R.
Fear is also an acronym, meaning “False Experiences Appearing Real”. It was once said that 95% of the life we live never happens. That 95% of experience happens in our minds only, as we think of every possible negative or unintended consequence we can generate. The remaining 5% is what actually happens in time and space.
Rather than wasting your mental energy worrying about the things that may or may not happen, focus instead on what IS happening right now. Stop sacrificing your present worrying about things that 95% of the time won’t even occur.
Law 15: Get the right amounts of food, water, sleep and exercise
Common sense? Then why aren’t you doing it. Too busy? You’ll get more done in your day when you take care of these 4 essential areas of physical health. Don’t know how? Read, talk to people, search the internet and pick up a book or magazine. Plan to start next week? Next week never comes…start right here, right now. Commit. Commit to your own well being and then never look back.
Law 16: Catch people doing things right and reward them
That which gets rewarded gets repeated. Give your energy to the behavior you want to see more of, and starve the behavior you don’t want to see again of that energy.
Law 17: Become an incredible communicator
Your ability to communicate clearly, elegantly, and sincerely differentiates you from the masses. A genius level idea is nothing without the ability to properly express it.
Law 18: Create Win-Win
Opportunities For the best long term success, negotiate to win. However, negotiate to win for those you report to, those you negotiate with, their customers and yourself. You’ll find dedicated business partners when they know that you are out for everyone’s best interest and not just your own.
Law 19: Deal with all people at their level of perceiving the world
Auditory, visuals, feelers and intuitives. Expressives, dominants, internals and thinkers. Optomists, pessimists, dreamers and doers. Figure out how people perceive the world and then present data to them in their dominate style to speak their language and have the greatest influence.
Law 20: Determine the principles you wish to live your life
When you know how you want to live, and do not veer from it, you live congruently through all aspects of your life. At home, at work, with friends or when confronted, you present the same individual the person you chose to be through the selection of your principles for living.
Law 21: Determine your criteria for success before every new venture
By knowing what you define success to be, you will have a good idea of when you are complete. A big part of wisdom is knowing when to stop.
Law 22: Ensure reality IS the perception
If perception is reality, you must ensure that the truth of any situation is also the perception about it.
Law 23: Speak in public every chance you get
In doing so, you will be doing something most people are afraid to do, and will have a greater chance of presenting the truth, thus shaping perceptions about the work you and your team produces.
Law 24: Document Everything
Law say that it’s not what’s true that matters, but what you can prove. If you are properly documenting, then you can prove the truth and not allow deception to reign supreme.
Law 25: Don’t let anyone steal your happiness
Happiness is a decision, regardless of what’s going on in your life at any given time. True happiness cannot be affected by external factors. You will then bring a sense of joy to everything that you do and experience. And when you enjoy what you do, you do everything better.
Law 26: Don’t stop until you succeed
There will be times when you’ll feel that you’ve taken a path that leads you away from your dream. You may feel that your dream is impossible or that you’ve failed. Remember that everything happens to bring you closer to what you want. Even the situations that seem to destroy all you’ve worked so hard for are bringing you closer to your dreams.
Law 27: Dream big
By the time many people graduate high school, they’ve already decided not to pursue their dreams. However, dreams motivate us towards our personal greatness. Dream big, dream often, and dream with the certainty that anything you dream is possible.
Law 28: Find something you love about everything that you do
Whether it be what you do, where you do it, whom you do it for, why you do it, or how you do it, when you love some aspect of what must be done, you do it more completely, with a sense of pride, and with better quality.
Law 29: Focus on questions rather than answers
When people think they know, they stop verifying, asking questions from other perspectives and thinking creatively. Answers stifle thinking and creativity. Don’t be one of these. Instead, keep your mind on questions, and know that there are always multiple ways to solve every query or challenge. Maintain the “beginner’s mind”. Never think to yourself that you are an expert that should stop asking and learning.
Law 30: Increase and express your personal authority
Link law your personality authority to who you really are as a spiritual being. In doing so, you can express great personal authority. In a fear based society that loves to be led, you will have followers that want to be lead towards happiness and peace. Because you lead without the use of fear, you will be loved.
Law 31: In-spect what you ex-pect
Follow up on the tasks you’ve assigned ot others to ensure they are progressing in the direction you’ve outlined and in the timeframe you’ve determine to ensure the success of those that work for and with you. The worse time to learn that a task won’t be done is when it’s due.
Law 32: Learn from the past, but live in the present
Learn the lesson from past experiences, and then leave the experience in the past. The lesson you carry forward should always be based in unconditional love, positive intention, creation, and the greatest benefit. Then apply that lesson to the experience you are having here and no
Law 33: Let others do the work and give them all of the credit
Your most valuable resources are the people that work with and for you. Assign tasks to your subordinates, ensure their success, and praise them publicly. They will spread good words about you and will want to work twice as hard for you next time, while you are viewed as the leader that brought them to success.
Law 34: Listen to understand
Understand the perspective of those communicating with you. Rather than listening with the intent to judge, listen with the intent to understand.
Law 35: Meditate By meditating,
you will grow in insight, manage stress, increase health, and be better able to predict the moves of others.
Law 36: Set an example for successful people
Don’t make the mistake of taking advice from people who haven’t succeeded in doing what you have planned. Learn from hoses who have actually achieved what you want to achieve, and then model their behavior.
Law 37: Never get angry at the same thing twice
Nothing can make you angry. People do what they do and we choose to be angry about them. When you are angry at a certain person or situation, ask yourself what made this situation angry. Then, never get angry at that situation, or a similar situation, again.
Law 38: Describe your unique selling
Argument What unique value do you provide to your boss, customers and business partners? Why would they want to do business with you? What strengths can they count on you to give each day? Your personal authority and intrinsic worth will increase when you can answer this question honestly.
Law 39: Instead of complaining, provide a potential solution
When you complain, you are asking someone else to solve the problem or you are not really looking for a solution at all. By suggesting potential solutions, you are exercising your influence on the problem and showing ownership and interest in the outcome of the problem.
Law 40: See everyone as an extension of yourself
As humans, are janitors different from CEOs? Is Senator different from Barber? Appreciate people just because they exist. We all have the same types of families, dreams, fears, and daily challenges. By doing so, you will be able to talk to people in power with ease and comfort as their aura of mystery and authority dissipates before your eyes.
Law 41: Completely solve the problem
We live in a world of shortcut law. We prefer to cover up short term symptoms than solve the problem completely for long term gain. In the short term, we seem fast, light and flexible. In the long run and in reality, we spend too much time revisiting the same problems over and over, wasting time, money and progress.
Law 42: Thinking multidimensionally
The more perspective you understand, the more value you can add. Also, you can see loopholes in the plan, how others may choose to attack you and how to block them BEFORE they attack.
Law 43: Under promise and more delivered
Managing expectations is very important. You are often judged on the time frame you give for your own work or for your team’s work. Keep in mind that delivering the project in 5 days that you say will take 6 is much better than delivering the same project in 5 days that you say will take 4. In the first scenario, you are the hero who provides the early and best estimates. In seconds, you are late and may not be trusted with the next important post. However, in both cases, it took the same 5 days. The difference is the expectations you set.
Law 44: Seeing things holistically
Never limit yourself to one point of view. Get to understand all the possible views, and the benefits and drawbacks of each.
Law 45: What is rewarded will be repeated
Your legal action to your attention is guaranteed to be repeated as a concern, whether positive or negative is a reward. So go out of your way to reward the behavior you want to see more of and pay less attention to the behavior you want to get rid of.
Law 46: Work for your subordinates instead of believing they are working for you
Remove their barriers, provide clear guidance, keep them motivated, and ready to teach at any time. Their success is your success by default. Make them successful.
Law 47: Get advice from your spiritual source
Bible, Quaran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, Buddhist texts… regardless of where you root your personal beliefs and philosophies, when you need advice, we often look to our basic documents for answers. Gandhi once said, “There is no question that the [Bhagavad] Gita cannot answer”. I believe that it applies to all of these spiritual texts and more. If you want to have fun, read them all and you might find how similar the advice is!
Law 48: Love the Unknown
Laws tend to take our past and project it into our future. We do this so the future has some familiarity about it when we think about it. However, when we do that, we tend to also project our fears, missteps, and failures into the future as well. We end up going through a cycle where the same themes, personalities, and types of relationships come back again and again.
See your future as a pure white sheet of paper. It is unknown, has not yet been written, and awaits your instructions. You don’t have to repeat something you’ve experienced in the past again if you don’t want to do it. Love the unknown. See the void of the future, then write yourself down through your thoughts and actions today.
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